In 1652, Puritan Pastor Thomas Brooks published a wonderful help to Christians striving by God's grace to put sin to death. His work was called Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices. It has been treasured by sin-fighting Christians for centuries. In it, he candidly and pastorally helps Christians see the strategies Satan often uses to tempt or lure us into sin. Paul warned the Ephesian Christians, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil," (Ephesians 6:11, ESV). The schemes are the devices Satan uses against Christians. Brooks' work aimed to expose those devices and provide remedies or helpful combat strategies against them.
One of the most consistent strategies of Satan is to show us the bait (or apparent benefits) of sin, and hide the hook (or negative consequences). Like a fish being lured to bite onto a fatal hook, so we are lured to partake of destructive sin. May God empower us, by His grace, by His indwelling Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ, to NOT bite the hook. We do this by, like Jesus, focusing on God's Word, rather than on the bait or lure to sin.
Brooks concludes his excellent work with principles to continue to fight sin.
Walk by Rule: “When men throw off the Word, then God throws off them, and then Satan takes them by the hand, and leads them into snares at his pleasure,” (243). Eve added to God's command with her own rule "neither shall you touch it" (Genesis 3:3). We must beware our modern tendency to view "living by God's rules" as restrictive. Obeying Jesus from faith and forgiveness is not only wise, it's the way to a happy life.
Labor for More Heavenly Vision: “It is not the most knowing Christian, but the most wise Christian, that sees, avoids, and escapes Satan’s snares,” (244). Too often, we fall into sin when the temporary becomes the center of our focus. When things that fade practically take up more of our time, effort, and desire, sin surely follows.
Make Present Resistance Against Satan’s First Motions: “It is safe to resist, it is dangerous to dispute. Eve disputes, and falls in paradise (Gen. 3); Job resists, and conquers upon the dunghill,” (245). Personally, this has been an immense blessing in putting off the old man. To slowly deliberate is surely to fail because eventually the mind gives what the sinful heart wants. Instead of waiting to resist after reasoning, it is far wiser to resist at the earliest signs of temptation.
Labor to be Filled with the Holy Spirit: “It is not enough that you have the Spirit, but you must be filled with the Spirit, or else Satan, that evil spirit, will be too hard for you,” (245). May we often and urgently ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with power and desire to seek God and to turn away from sin.
Keep Humble: “Humility keeps the soul free from many darts of Satan’s casting, and snares of his spreading; as the low shrubs are free from many violent gusts and blasts of wind, which shake and rend the taller trees,” (246). How wise it is to recognize my own inadequacy. How foolish it is to think that once saved I know longer need God. Few would say this, but practically pride keeps us from leaning on the Lord. Trusting in our own understanding is a sure way to walk into sin.
Keep a Strong, Close, and Constant Watch: “A secure soul is already an ensnared soul. That soul will not watch against temptations, will certainly fall before the power of temptations,” (246). May we always be like sentinels guarding against overt and covert attacks. It's foolish to think that we've "arrived" this side of heaven.
Keep Up Your Communion with God: “A soul high in communion with God may be tempted, but will not easily be conquered. Such a soul will fight it out to the death,” (248). What a joy this is, and at the same time, what a defense against temptation and sin. Our hearts were made to worship. When we are much taken up with worshipping God, we have little appetite left for sin.
Engage Not Satan in Your Strength, But Be Every Day Drawing New Strength from the Lord Jesus: “When the snare is spread, look up to Jesus Christ, who is lifted up in the gospel, as the brazen serpent was in the wilderness, and say to him, Dear Lord! Here is a new snare laid to catch my soul, … Oh! Give me new strength,” (249). Ask any honest, older Christian and they will tell you - temptation doesn't stop. It may come in new flavors. The bait may change, but it doesn't end in this life. For this reason, we daily need Christ and His renewing strength.
Be Much in Prayer: “Prayer is a shelter to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to the devil,” (249-250). It was Paul who described prayer as the always armor: "Praying at all times in the spirit, with all prayer and supplication," (Ephesians 6:18, ESV). I give this one a hearty amen. Ask God to drive you into frequent and fervent prayer. From there, with God, find the strength to put sin to death.
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