Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Psalm 125, a Reed Family Devotion

Have you ever tried to lead your family in a meaningful, spiritual, not-pull-your-hair-out, devotion time? Megan and I both have tried many times, and had numerous mishaps, with a few epic fails. And, we have had some successes (still mixed with some funny not-so-amazing moments). 

Here is a family devotion we had on Wednesday, April 21st.

From Psalm 125, How Does a Christian Endure Wicked Government? This family devotion included singing, talking about good rulers versus bad rulers, learning to trust God and not be afraid, and a unique game of UNO.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Resurrection for Real - A Devotion from 1 Corinthians 15

There are many incredible stories that capture our imagination: a young boy discovers he is a wizard, a simple man learns the ring his uncle gave him has terrifying magical powers, a boy gets bitten by a spider and becomes a superhero, and a girl gets on a spaceship only to find out that she will become a Jedi. Can you name these stories?

Friday, April 2, 2021

"Be Not Far From Me" - A Devotion from Psalm 22

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Do you know who said that? If you said, "Jesus" you would be right. If you said, "David" you would also be correct. If you said, "me" then God bless you and keep you through your dark days.

One of the best things about the Bible is that it presents life as raw and real. The Bible does not ignore pain, suffering or evil. In fact, Jesus Himself experiences pain, suffering, and agony to the utmost - and it is not pointless! Today is called 'Good Friday' because today is when Christians particularly celebrate the Friday about 2,000 years ago when Jesus died an excruciatingly painful death on a Roman cross. He did this to forgive our sins. It was not a good day for Jesus (in one sense), but it is a wonderful day for anyone who believes in Jesus. Click HERE for a devotion.