Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Unchanging God

God, I am looking out the window into the sky and see clouds moving across the panorama.  Megan told me that the clouds are constantly changing shape because the dust and moisture rise and fall.  Even the heavens change, but You remain the same.  Your love, Your grace, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, Your promises, Your faithfulness, Your justice – none of these changes.  You do not veer.  Your promises do not rust.  Your justice never erodes.  Your forgiveness never scrapes bottom.  God thank You so much for not only Your eternality, but Your consistency, Your immutability.  What if You did change?  I could not cling to Your promises. My hope in You would waver. Even the very existence, the air I breathe, would be tentative.  What if the earth titled away from the sun?  What if you no longer graciously forgave sin by the blood of Jesus?  You would not be God.  There would be none to worship.  Life’s meaning would vanish.  Hope would become myth.  Thank You, God, for not changing at all for any reason across all time.