Saturday, September 26, 2020

When Good Becomes Bad

Does God want you to be happy? How you answer this question will show a lot about your worldview - what you believe about reality and your place in this world. If you say, “Of course not” or “that doesn’t matter” then you will embrace a practically materialistic worldview in which you work to be the master of your own fate. This sounds liberating, but in fact it is crushing. Your shoulders were not meant to carry the weight of creating your own soul-satisfying purpose in this world. Any design we concoct cannot measure up to the deep yearning of our hearts for happiness.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Echoes of the Miraculous

Jesus did many amazing miracles, each showing more of who He is – the Son of God. And, they did more than this, they proved that Jesus not only was filled with the Spirit of God, He is the Spirit of God.