
These sermon manuscripts are made available free to use, but please do not plagiarize. The Holy Spirit gets the credit for anything of value in these sermons. Please do not claim these words are yours, but use them as a helpful guide. May the Lord Jesus be honored among His people until every knee bows.

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Word Template for Sermons

Old Testament:

Genesis 1:1-2, "In the Beginning, God" - Sermon Audio

Genesis 3:1-19, "Sin Leads to Brokenness"

Genesis 3:1-24, "Cursed" - Sermon Audio

Genesis 5:1-32, "Generations: From Adam to Noah" - Sermon Audio

Genesis 7:1-24, "A Shut Door and a Flooded World" - Sermon Audio

Genesis 9:1-29, "A Covenant with Noah and the World" - Sermon Video

Joshua 5:1-12, "God Finishes What He Starts"

1 Chronicles 11-12, "Soldier"

2 Chronicles 20, "Give Thanks"

Isaiah 19, "A Highway from Egypt to Assyria"

Isaiah 37, "Lessons on Prayer from a Desperate King"

Jeremiah 1, "A Young Man Speaks for God"

Jeremiah 38, "A Coward, a Convict, and a Cushite"

Ezekiel 22, "Flee the City of Destruction"

Jonah 4, "Jonah, the Grinch of the Bible"

New Testament:

Matthew 1:1-17, "Introducing Jesus" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 1:18-25, "Jesus Christ, Immanuel" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 2:1-12, "Jesus, the Shepherd" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 2:13-23, "Jesus in Egypt" 

Matthew 3:1-17, "John the Voice and Jesus the Son" 

Matthew 4:12-25, "Jesus the Dawning Light" 

Matthew 5:1-12, "Jesus, the Blessing Giver" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 5:13-26, "Jesus the Law Fulfiller" 

Matthew 5:27-48, "Jesus the Perfect Teacher" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 6:1-18, "Jesus the Rewarder" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 7:1-23, "Jesus the Peacemaker" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 7:24-27, "Listen to Jesus" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 8:1-34, "Jesus the Healer" 

Matthew 9:1-38, "Jesus the Physician" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 11:1-30, "Jesus the Inviter"

Matthew 13, "Jesus the Risen Parable-Teacher" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 14:1-36, "Jesus and the Call to Compassionate Faith" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 15:32-16:28, "Jesus the Christ and His Cross" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 17:1-27, "Jesus the Patient Lord" - Sermon Audio

Matthew 19:1-30, "Jesus the One We Need" - Sermon Audio

Mark 11:27-33, "A Question of Authority"

Luke 2:8-20, "Let's Go See"

Luke 2:21-38, "What's Next? The Story After Christmas"

Luke 4:1-13, "Battles of the Son: Parts 1 & 2"

Luke 4:14-30, "The Son Comes Home"

Luke 4:31-44, "The Son Goes Forth"

Luke 10:38-42, "Too Distracted to See Jesus"

John 4:4-42, "Everything I Ever Did"

John 14:1-7, "Believe the Way to Peace"

John 17:1-11, "Expected to Pray"

Acts 1:1-11, "Power to Speak"'

Acts 1:4-8, "The Holy Spirit: Power for the Church"

Acts 8:1-25, "True Greatness and True Power"

Ephesians 1:1-2, "Grace and Peace"

Ephesians 1:3-14, "Blessings in Christ"

Ephesians 5:17-24, "The Christian Wife"

Philippians 1:3-14, "Better Than a Jedi: The Happy Christian Life"

Hebrews 1, "A Better Hope"

1 Peter 1:22-2:3, "Godliness is Greatness"

1 Peter 3:13-22, "An Oasis and a Desert"

2 Peter 3:1-10, "Why the 2,000-Year Wait?"

2 Peter 3:10-13, "Waiting for More than Ashes"

1 John 4:7-21, "Loved, So I Love"

Jude 3-4, "Fight for the Faith"

Jude 8-10, "I Had a Dream"

Jude 11, "How Terrible It Will Be"

Jude 12-13, "Saved by the Bell"

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