Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Boy-King Grows Up (and Down)

 How often do we see a good leader listen to bad advice and make foolish decisions? Sadly, companies and empires have collapsed when good leaders make bad choices. Praise God He has decided that in His eternal kingdom, He will directly reign over His people. King Jesus never listens to bad advice, as He showed by conquering the devil's temptations.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Long Live the King (a Grisly Story of Blood and Victory)

Real history or real experience never transpires in tidy pieces. Movies and stories follow a plot line, but often our experience feels like there is no plot, no progression, no resolution. As a Christian, I believe there is a plot because there is an Author writing His Story. But, that does not make me so naive or pompous as to think I know from day to day what the Author is doing and why. God is bringing His story to His desired ends, but that doesn't mean I can explain everything. Instead, I trust that He can explain what He is writing.

One odd place that I get comfort is in reading the chaotic accounts from long ago. The saga of Athaliah and Joash is one of those accounts. See 2 Chronicles 22-23 for the Bible's record of these events.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Good Census, Bad Census

Even though 2020 has included many challenges in the United States of America, and the world, the US is conducting a census of her 330 million citizens. Countries take such information for numerous reasons from planning on tax revenues to assessing potential economic strengths and weaknesses. Knowing the population helps numerous facets of society stay organized.

But, could there be a census taken for ungodly reasons? Yes. Consider how this story of in the life of David begins...

Sunday, October 4, 2020

When Life Feels Rootless (Intro to 1 Chronicles)

Have you ever struggled with feeling rootless, unmoored, drifting, purposeless, or confused about where your life is going?