Friday, December 12, 2014

Use Worldly Wealth - Luke 16:9

"I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings," (Luke 16:9).

Jesus told a perplexing parable of a dishonest servant who, when he found he was being fired, helped debtors to his master change their debts and steal from his former master. Jesus did not say what the master did to the dishonest servant other than praise him for his shrewdness. Then, arguing from lesser to greater, he encouraged his followers to be shrewd with worldly wealth. However, Jesus was not encouraging unscrupulous methods to gain mountains of money. Instead, he was encouraging Christians to make the most of their dollars for eternal purposes. 

In Cuba, the average monthly income is $25 per household according to How many Cuban churches could one middle-income church in America support = 1, 10, 100? My wife and I enjoy looking at our bank account and deciding how much money we can give to the International Mission Board at the end of each year where every dollar goes to helping people from every nation hear the name of Jesus Christ. If Jesus is the only way to eternal happiness with God, then certainly using our money to fund such efforts is part of what Jesus meant by using worldly wealth. Until we have spent worldly money on opportunities with eternal significance, we have not really used it.  For more on IMB, follow this link:

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