Friday, February 23, 2018

Getting Into the Bible 12-Day Devotional

Welcome to an exciting 12-day adventure in God’s Word.  The Bible claims to be the inspired (God-breathed) Word.  Whether you are reading this as a believer, or just curious, dive into this reading journey with an open mind.  Before you read each day pray and ask God to help you understand and apply the passage.

Day 1 – God Spoke and It Was
Read Genesis 1:1-2:24

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” 

What do you find most incredible about this account?

The Christian worldview begins with One Creator-God who has the power to speak creation into existence.  He chose to make man out of the delight of His heart, and made both man and woman in His image.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

God, Grant Us Repentance

Have you ever been tempted to sin, reasoning that "well afterwards I will just repent and God, because He is so merciful, will forgive me"?  Oh fellow pilgrims, may we consider briefly how we repent: