Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Why Did Jesus Die?

Consider one man's opinion of Jesus - "I could accept Jesus as a martyr, as an embodiment of sacrifice and a Divine Teacher but not as the most perfect man ever born.  I was not ready to accept that Jesus by his death and his blood redeemed the sins of the world."  These words belonged to Mahatma Gandhi who repeated praised Jesus as an exemplary teacher, but remained unwilling to believe his death paid the penalty for our sins.  Sadly, many today understand the cross as only a beautiful example of selflessness or as only a great victory.  While Jesus certainly is our example (Hebrews 12:3) and His death won victory over death (1 Corinthians 15), the heart of the cross must be that Christ died in our place for our sin as an atoning sacrifice.

The Bible's summary statements of the cross's significance and meaning can be fairly represented with the phrase "penal substitutionary atonement."  Let's explore what these words mean.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Baptist Faith & Message Catechism

A New Baptist Catechism

Based on the Baptist Faith and Message[1]

Instructions:  A catechism is a simple summary of what we believe using questions and answers.  They have been used throughout church history for instructing Christians.  This catechism is based on the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.  It is recommended that both the answer and the corresponding Scripture be learned and memorized.  May God bless you as you use this to grow in your knowledge and love of Jesus.  May God also bless you as you help others to do the same.  For an easy to print version please click HERE.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What God Loves and Hates

There is much the Bible reveals about those things that bring God pleasure and conversely his anger.  God has the attribute of personhood and is therefore emotional.  His emotions, though are right and are always in right proportions.  In what not be wrong to say that God's joy and hatred are beautiful.  Moreover when we worship God or when we seek to live wisely one method is to learn what He hates and what He loves and prayerfully seek to adopt these outlooks for our own.  What follows is a rough but likely helpful list of what God delights in and what He hates from both the Psalms and Proverbs.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Getting Into the Bible 12-Day Devotional

Welcome to an exciting 12-day adventure in God’s Word.  The Bible claims to be the inspired (God-breathed) Word.  Whether you are reading this as a believer, or just curious, dive into this reading journey with an open mind.  Before you read each day pray and ask God to help you understand and apply the passage.

Day 1 – God Spoke and It Was
Read Genesis 1:1-2:24

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” 

What do you find most incredible about this account?

The Christian worldview begins with One Creator-God who has the power to speak creation into existence.  He chose to make man out of the delight of His heart, and made both man and woman in His image.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

God, Grant Us Repentance

Have you ever been tempted to sin, reasoning that "well afterwards I will just repent and God, because He is so merciful, will forgive me"?  Oh fellow pilgrims, may we consider briefly how we repent: